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It's been a while....

Updated: Nov 12

It's been a while since I posted, and quite a year so far. One of my children had to get surgery which definitely threw a wrench into our homeschooling. With all of the setbacks due to that, and fall illnesses, while we are mostly on top of other subjects, we are only just now finishing Week 7 of the Orthodox Christian Morning Time curriculum that I made. But that's okay!

While I'm very routine-oriented, I am always trying to make small changes to our day that would make the day go more smoothly. Due to the special needs of one of my children, we were having trouble with doing memory work in the morning. I tried doing the memory work as a family in the evening, but its just coudn't be done consistently. Today, I think I found the solution!

I tried waking my kids up 15 minutes early and instead of going straight from Morning Time, to school, I gave them 20 minutes to exercise. I got out the exercise bike and the small weights, and we did the best we could. The boys took turns on the bike, while I tried to lead things like jumping jacks and running in place with the other child. It will take some time to iron that out, but it did seem to help their behavior in the morning. It's a good thing to be doing either way. Its kind of crept up on me that my kids are getting a bit too old to go to the park and exercise like they used to do. They are not the sports team type, so I think adding mandatory exercise time to the schedule will really help both of them a lot with self-regulation throughout the day.

I am also accepting that the curriculum I made will be more of a two year curriculum for us! That means that I won't have need of making a second one for a while. I am still very pleased with the content of the curriculum, we've just had several setbacks this year.

Upcoming, I have several curriculums that I would like to review. I will probably review the Rod and Staff second grade social studies curriculum in my next post. There are almost no reviews of that online and we have almost completed the entire thing!

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