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Curriculum Woes, Successes, Changes and Picks for the 2024-2025 School Year

Updated: Mar 5

Well, I never thought this would happen but two days ago, we went back to Christian Light Education Math for my 6th grade son. He has been advanced in math since the beginning by as much as two years at one point but now he is "losing his lead" and I'm having to start him back at the beginning of another 7th grade Pre-Algebra program. I completely understand why some people say Algebra is a whole other ball game when it comes to math. I feel bad for him. He is so smart when it comes to math conceptually, but being "twice-exceptional," the unique challenges that he has are holding him back. I'm sure some would say I'm making a big deal out of nothing! But, it's a big deal when you assume your child is on track to start Algebra in 7th Grade and then for both of us to say, "It's OKAY, 8th Grade is FINE, and even 9th Grade if we need to do that." In the middle of last summer, my son finished CLE Math Grade 6, which is considered an advanced math program. We then tried Horizons Pre-Algebra which was a big fail because it went way too fast and had too little of explanations in the course. (I thought I wouldn't need it because I am good at math, but explaining math is different than doing it!). Next, we tried Saxon Math 7/8 and we got half way through when my son missed over half the problems on his recent problem set. That was it! He NEVER did so bad with CLE. I now know why SO MANY people don't like Saxon. The pages of instruction are cluttered, so cluttered that I didn't want to even look at them. I was hoping my son would take to the instruction pages in the same way he took to Life of Fred. Not so. Then, there are five different math sections per day: Mental Math, Problem Solving, Facts Practice Test, Lesson Practice, and Mixed Practice. For a student that has ADHD/issues with transitions, this was another nightmare. On top of that, he had to write out the problems and his work in a separate notebook.

So to make our lives sane again, I ordered CLE Mathematics 7. We are starting from the beginning. My son can write in the work texts! The instruction is clear! It is age appropriate! It is all in one lesson without 5 different parts! It is at his level! I think we are very happy with our choice. I know my son is sad because he really likes math, but his ability to consistently execute it is behind his ability to understand it. I hope he does not get discouraged. Someday, he will be allowed to use a calculator in most of his math (Algebra 2 or Pre-Calculus perhaps) and he will see how he breezes through math. However, I'm not ready to let him do that yet. He needs to know how to do the math with pencil and paper. I am still hoping he can do Algebra 1 by 8th Grade and I think it is possible. Once he gets back into the rhythm with CLE, I am going to accelerate him so he can start CLE Mathematics 8 by Aug/Sept of this year.

It's crazy, but as of now my son is using ALL Christian Light Education. Everything we started out using this year that was not CLE has been replaced by CLE. In 6th Grade, he is using: CLE Mathematics 7, CLE Reading 7, CLE Science 6, CLE Social Studies 6, CLE Language Arts 6, CLE Bible 6, and occasionally CLE Creative Writing. I know not using Charlotte Mason kind of makes me a pariah among many Orthodox Christians, but it's working for him and it's how he prefers to learn. We STILL do a morning time where he is exposed to Saints Lives, Art, Poetry, Catechism, etc. - that stuff is still not being neglected. He also gets enrichment at his co-op.

So without further ado, next year, my rising 7th Grader will be using:

-Rod and Staff Reading 7

-CLE Mathematics 8

-Science Shepherd Life Science

-CLE Speedy Spanish

-CLE Language Arts 7

-Memoria Press Classical Composition Narrative

-finishing up CLE Social Studies 6 and reading and doing written narrations of Story of the Middle Ages and Reformation by Guerber

-supplemental writing practice as needed

My 1st Grader / Rising 2nd Grader

My first grader, who has quite a different personality from my older son is not thriving with CLE. My younger son needs curriculum that does not switch between so many topics in a lesson. The spiral in CLE is way too busy for him. In fact, I have already switched out his CLE Math for Rod and Staff. While my son is very intelligent, I have discovered that he needs traditional style curriculum that moves at a regular pace, covers only a few topics per day, and is also a bit below his level.

Below I will list what he is currently using to what he is switching to:

-CLE Language Arts will be replaced with Bob Jones English 2 next year. I like this one because it rotates between grammar and writing and will not need any supplementing.

-CLE Mathematics has been replaced with Rod and Staff Math

-We will use CLE Science 2 because I already have it.

-We will use Bob Jones Heritage Studies 2 because I found it, and a book of worksheets, for a few dollars. We are also going to read Fifty Famous People by James Baldwin.

-We will also use Rod and Staff Social Studies 2.

-We will use CLE Reading 2. (I do not use CLE Reading to teach reading as much as I use it to teach social skills, good character, and as a form of "speech therapy." Having my children respond to the comprehension questions out loud in complete sentences is very helpful for their speaking development.

-We will use Song School Spanish

-We will use Building Spelling Skills 1. This curriculum is advanced and the 1st grade level is plenty for most second graders.

-We will use a handwriting/copy-work curriculum of some kind.

My youngest is almost done with all of his 1st grade curriculum so he can look forward to summer school in a couple of months (only Math, MCP Phonics and Handwriting), whereas my oldest has gotten behind and won't get much of a "summer."  Hopefully, he will next year! (We try to school from early July through late March so I can garden.)

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