I can't believe it, but we've been homeschooling for a whole month so far. I'm so glad we start homeschooling in early July, before co-ops and activities start, because it has taken that long to settle in to our homeschool routine again.
I'm also very glad I settled into a routine of homeschooling my youngest only 3 days a week. He is already ahead and this will pace him to start 2nd grade at the right time. He is loving the two days off, and it gives me extra time to get stay on top of things around the house, or just feel a little more breathing room during the week. Next year, he'll do four days a week like his brother though.
I wasn't actually expecting this to happen, but my oldest son told me today he wanted to try Saxon Math 7/8/Pre-Algebra. I had purchased the Saxon program after not liking the looks of Horizon's Pre-Algebra, but he begged me to try Horizons. I thought he was doing pretty well with it, so I was surprised he asked me to switch, but I think the program was moving too fast compared to what he was used to with CLE. We had our first day of Saxon math today and we'll see how it goes! Most of the year will be review which is what I had wanted for him, after his working so hard in CLE math through Grade 6. I'm hoping this change works!
Unfortunately, I am not pleased with Lifepac Science 6. We will stick with it, but I am wishing I had gone with another program. The written content of the workbooks is fine, but the experiments are not going very well. About half of the experiments have worked and half have been total flops. There was one experiment that I asked my husband to help with and his assessment was that the experiment directions were too vague and somewhat confusing. No wonder we are having trouble! A few of the experiments also simply didn't work. However, the experiments that did work well, my son really enjoyed. Perhaps I'll change my mind by the end of program - we are only 20% through. I don't regret getting Lifepac History and Georgraphy 6. We just finished the first Lifepac and my son learned a ton about geography that he didn't know before, and the content really challenged him.
Another thing I wanted to comment on it how pleased I am with doing a traditional 1st grade program with my son for math, reading and language arts. When my oldest was young, I got caught up in feeling I needed a more Charlotte Mason/classical approach and used Writing With Ease and First Language Lessons. I have found that CLE Reading 1 and CLE Language Arts 1 accomplish the same thing, but in a much easier and more simple way. The lessons are short, sweet, age appropriate and cover the exact same topics. (Again, it might depend on the kid...my oldest did have hyperlexia so it did make sense to have him learn through some more complex sentences.) Even the comprehension questions in CLE Reading accomplish the same thing as Writing With Ease, as long as the student is required to answer in a complete sentences. (I know Writing With Ease goes much more into narration and summary than CLE, but that is covered in later levels and I can always added that in earlier if I want.)
Also, we added in the read-aloud James Herriot's A Treasury for Children for my youngest. My son who has been resisting reading the Beatrix Potter Treasury forever (other than Peter Rabbit of course), LOVES the James Herriot Treasury. I am really surprised he has taken to it because of the advanced language the author uses, but my son does love animals. If you haven't heard of this book, I highly recommend it as a read-aloud.
Well, that's the only curriculum update for now - Happy homeschooling!